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days in a decade

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Q: Is there more minutes in a day or days in a decade?
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How many days are there in a decade?

Since each year is 365 days (except in Leap years) and there are 10 years in a decade , there are 10x 365 day + 2 or 3 leap days, depending on which 10 years you choose. So... 3652 or 3653 days in a decade.

How many minutes in 22 days?

22 days * 1440 minutes/day = 31680 minutes

What is the unit of measurement for time?

seconds minutes hours days weeks years decades centuries milleniums

How many minutes are there in 1 decade with 2 leap years?

365 days times 24 hours/day x 60 minutes/hr x 10 years = 5,256,000 hours add 2 days for leap year = 2 x 24 x 60 = 2880 minutes total = 5256000 + 2880 = 5,258,880 minutes

How many days is 185?

Need to be more specific with this question. How many days is 185 hours? Minutes? If you are referring to hours, it would be 7.71 days. If you are referring to minutes it would be .13 of a day.

How many minutes in 366 days?

1 day = 1,440 minutes 366 days = 527,040 minutes

How many more days hours and minutes until New Year's Day?

A number of hours and a number of minutes. It depends on when you ask.

Are there more than minutes in a thirty day month?

Yes, there are days, weeks, seconds etc

What are the different types of measures of time?

day seconds month decade century hours minutes

How do you convert days into minutes?

Divide by 1440 minutes per day... y = x * 1440 min/day where y is the number of days and x is the number of minutes

How many days is 21892934 minutes?

15,203.42638 days 24 hours (1 day) x 60 minutes = 1440 minutes per day. 21,892,934 minutes / 1440 min per day = 15,203.42638 15,203.42638 days / 365.25 days per year = 41.62471288 years.

What is 1000000 minutes in days?

24 hours/day X 60 minutes/hour = 1,440 minutes/day. Therefore, the number of days in 1000000 minutes = 1000000/1440 = 694.4444 days, if all the zeros in 1000000 are significant.