

Is this a right triangle Ratio?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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Given that there is no "this" given in the question, it is impossible to say!

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Q: Is this a right triangle Ratio?
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The tangent ratio for a right angle triangle is opposite/adjacent.

Is a 56 ft 65 ft 16ft triangle a right angle triangle?

The ratio of the length of the side of a right angle triangle must be 3,4,5 16,56,65 are not in that ratio.

In a right triangle the ratio of adjacent side to hypotenuse?

is called the cosine ratio

What is the ratio of the opposite side to the ajacent side in a right triangle?

The tangent ratio.

What is a cosine ratio?

In a right angle triangle it is: cosine ratio = adjacent/hypotenuse

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Sine ratio = opposite/hypotenuse

What is the ratios function of sin?

The sine of an angle in a right triangle is the ratio of the length of the side opposite the angle to the length of the hypotenuse.In terms of ratios, the sine of an angle is defined, in a right angled triangle, as the ratio of lengths of the opposite side to the hypotenuse.

The ratio of the opposite and hypotenuse sides of a right triangle?

It's Sine!

What right triangle has legs of equal length?

It's not possible to have a right angle triangle with sides of equal length. The sides on a right angle triangle are always in the ratio 3:4:5.

What does sin x mean?

It means the ratio of the opposite angle to the hypotenuse of a triangle for angle "x". This is for a right triangle.