

Is this is a inequalities are true 9 60?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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Unfortunately, limitations of the browser used by WA means that we cannot see most symbols. It is therefore impossible to give a proper answer to your question. Please resubmit your question spelling out the symbols as "plus", "minus", "equals" etc.

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Q: Is this is a inequalities are true 9 60?
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Explain in your own words the difference between compound inequalities with and and those with or?

An inequality with "and" is true if BOTH inequalities are true. Inequality with "or" is true if ONE of the inequalities are true.

What is compound inequalities?

Compound inequalities are inequalities that have more than one sign, for example, 5

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How can 2 inequalities be equivalent?

Two inequalities are equivalent if their solution sets are the same. For example, the inequalities 2x > 6 and 3x > 9 are both equivalent to x > 3.

What are examples of inequalities?

x>6 or 5<9

What is the difference between inequalities and equations is true or false?

"What is the difference between inequalities and equations" is a question, not a statement. A question cannot be true or false. It can be pointless, or badly phrased or misguided but that is a different matter.

What is solving inequalities?

It means to find all the numbers for which the inequality is true.

What are 2 examples of inequalities?

x>6 or 5<9

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What does it mean to describe all of the numbers that satisfy both inequalities?

I assume you have inequalities that involve variables. If you replace the variable by some number, you will get an inequality that is either true or false. A value for the variable that results in a true statement is said to "satisfy" the inequality. For example, in: x + 3 > 10 If you replace x by 8, you get a true statement, since 11 is greater than 10; if you replace x by 7, you get a false statement, since 10 is not greater than 10. In this case, there are two inequalities; you have to find all numbers that satisfy both inequalities; in other words, that convert both inequalities into true statements.

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