

Is this true for any two even numbers?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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It depends what the statement is.

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Q: Is this true for any two even numbers?
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Is the gcf of any two even numbers is always even true?

Yes, that is true.

Is it true the gcf of any two numbers always even and why?


Is it true that the gcf of any two even numbers is always even?


Is this true or false and why The gcf of any two even numbers is always even?

True. Even numbers are even because they are multiples of 2. That means that any two even numbers will have at least 2 as a common factor. Since that number (the GCF) will have 2 as a factor, it will be a multiple of 2: an even number.

Is it true that if the GCF of any two odd numbers is always even true or false?

It is false.

Why is the gcf of any two even numbers always even?

All even numbers have two as a factor. Any two even numbers have (at the least) two as a common factor. That means the GCF of any two even numbers will have two as a factor. Any number that has two as a factor is even.

The product of any two even numbers is?

The product of any two even numbers is even.

Why is the statement of the GCF of any two even numbers is always even true?

By definition, an even number has 2 as a factor. That means that any set of even numbers will have at least a common factor of 2. Since that common factor will also have 2 as a factor, it has to be even.

Is it not true that the sum of two even numbers is never odd?

It is true that the sum of 2 even numbers is never odd

Is it true that the product of any two consecutive numbers is even?

YES. The product of any two consecutive numbers is even because their product is always a multiple of 2.Examples:2 * 3 = 63 * 4 = 12

What is true about the product of two even numbers?

The product of two even numbers is even. The product of two even numbers will be even. If they are both positive numbers, it will be greater than both of them. If one of them ends in 0, the product will end in 0.