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Q: Is variable cost independent of volume and do they remain constant?
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Is the independent variable the volume of an object or the mass of an object?

The independent variable of any object depends on the experiment being performed on said object. Do distinguish whether volume or mass is the independent variable, we must first know what the experiment is. Remember that an independent variable does not change when the other factors of an experiment (the dependent variables) do change. An independent variable remains constant.

What is the independent variable between temperature and volume?


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cost and expense that tend to remain constant in total regardless of variations in volume of activity are termed?

What does indepented variable mean?

Independent variable is one that does not vary with respect to other variables while other variables called the dependent variables varies with the variation of the independent variable. for ex: if 'x' is is an independent variable that represents say 'time' lets take another variable the dependent like volume(v) . now we say the volume (v) varies with respect to time and not the other way. so, here 'x' is independent variable & 'v' is dependent variable

What happens to pressure when the temperature and volume is halved?

if kelvin temp is halved, the volume is halved if pressure is constant.

Does the type of piston remain constant in Charles's physical volume laws?


What type of variables are mass and volume?

liquid does not have a variable and a fixed mass unless you measure it

Could you think of some examples of dependent and independent variables?

Yes, an independent/dependant relationship to two things would be heat/volume when working with gas. The volume of object increases as an object gets hotter however an object does not get hotter if the volume increases therefore the volume is dependant on the heat, this makes the volume the dependant variable. Therefore the heat has to be the independent variable.

If the radius of a cylinder is kept constant the derivative of cylinder volume is constant Why?

Volume of cyliner=Pi(r2)h so if r is constant, the ony variable is h so what is dv/dh? Pi(r2) which is constant.

What is an Independent Variable and a dependant variable?

temperature, pressure , volume, are independent density, viscosity, etc are dependent Properties of mater are always dependent of independents. as (dependent) density , viscosity , mass density , phase conduction , etc always vary when we change independents .(temperature, pressure , volume) so you can understand dependent & in dependent

If temperature increase and volume remain constant what is pressure?

This is explained by Charle's law. Keeping volume constant, as the temperature increases then the pressure of the gas also increases.

What is the dependent variable that shows how the volume of gas changes with changes in temperature?

The volume of gas