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Q: James has an assigned seat for his flight to denver. the seats on the plane are numbered 1-49. james's seat number is an odd number greater than 10 that is the factor of 100. what is his seat number?
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Any number is the greatest factor of itself.

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The only factor of 100 that is greater than ten and odd is 25.

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15 is a number greater than 10 and a factor of 30.

When one factor in multiplication is greater than one is the product greater or less than the other factor?

The terms (factors) used in multiplication are the multiplicand (the factor being multiplied), the multiplier (the factor that the multiplicand is multiplied by) and the product (the answer, or results of the multiplication). Any time either of the factors is greater than the other by at least one, the product will always be greater than the largest factor.

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The LCM of 8 and 15 is 120. If the lesser number were a factor of the greater number, the LCM would be the greater number.

Is 25 a factor of 15?

No. A factor cannot be greater than the number it is compared to.