

Line from the middle of a circle?

Updated: 10/17/2024
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14y ago

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its called thee diameter

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Q: Line from the middle of a circle?
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What is the center in a circle?

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What is the middle of the circle called?

the line from the centre to the edge of a circle is called?

What is radius of a circle?

Its the distance from the center of the circle to the edge of the circle.

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that is the radius. the diametre is the line going right accross the middle of the circle

What is the straight line that goes through the middle of a circle?

The diameter

What is diameter and radius?

the radius is a line from the middle of a circle to a point of the circle. the diameter is two times the radius.

What does the radius and diameter have in common?

They both describe a circle. The radius is the length from the middle of the circle to the edge. The diameter is the length of a straight line going through the middle of the circle edge to edge.

What is the line that goes around the globe with a parallel line?

Do you mean, like, the Earth? The equator. If you mean the line going from side to side across the middle of a circle then... the diameter of a circle

How do you find the chord of a circle?

all you have to do is find a line with two endpoints on the circle also a diameter is the longest chord on a circle that runs through the middle of the circle.

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Diameter: A straight line dividing the circle equally Circumference: The distance around the circle Radius: The middle of a circle reaching to one point of the circle

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A circle with a line across it with a semesicrcle in the middle