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Q: Lines and types of lines in engineering drawing?
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What are types of lines in engineering drawing?

in which drawing we do the detaling

Types of lines in engineering drawing?

Each line time is used to show different things. Some of the lines are, Center lines( long- and short-dashed lines.)cutting plane lines( thin, medium-dashed lines, or thick long- and double short-dashed) and section lines(thin lines in a pattern).

What are the six types of lines in technical drawing?

Thin lines for outlining Thick lines for dimension Thin dotted lines Thin dotted lines Thin long chains for center lines

Different types of lines in mathematics?

Different types of lines are :parallel lines, intersecting lines, perpendicular lines,oblique lines, vertical lines, horizontal lines, zigzag lines, curved lines ,wavy lines, and dashed or dotted lines.

Types of line?

There are different types of lines: curved lines, dotted lines, wavy lines and straight lines.

What are the eight types of lines?

The eight types of lines are horizontal lines, vertical lines, diagonal lines, straight lines, curved lines, zigzag lines, wavy lines, and spiral lines. These different types of lines are used in art and design to create varied effects and convey different emotions or movements.

What are the different types of alphabet lines?

Hi The different types of Alphabet of lines are:-Visible.-cutting plane lines.-Short breaking lines.-Border lines.-Invisible lines .-Ditto or hidden lines.-Center lines.-Long break lines.-Section lines.-Dimension lines

What types is the line in arts?

contour lines,blocking-in lines,sketching lines and implied lines

What is the types of line in art?

contour lines,blocking-in lines,sketching lines and implied lines

What are 3 types so lines that you can use on a map?

Contour lines, alpha lines, omega lines

What are the alphabet of lines with application drawing?

Alphabet of line is the usage of line types on a drawing. They are used to describe the various features of an object to the person reading the print.

What are the three types of geometric lines?

They are amongst many more:- Perpendicular lines Parallel lines Diagonal lines Transversal lines Symmetrical lines