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Q: On horizontal ruler an upside down t means?
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What On a horizontal ruler an upside down t indicates?

A centered tab stop

Can you put your Xbox 360 on its side?

You can put it both ways, just not totally upside down vertical or upside down horizontal.

What are those upside down V signs means?

The upside down V means conjunction or AND.

What does an Upside down A mean?

In mathematics, an upside down A means "for all".

What does an upside down rainbow mean?

A upside down rainbow means cheese or tacos

What is a horizontal?

A horizontal position is like a ruler laying flat on a table like the example:____________________as apposed to A vertical line like the example:lllllla ruler is going up and down.

Does horizontal mean up an down?

Horizontal means to the left or right.

What does anokatoprosopus mean?

Anokatoprosopus means upside-down face (i.e. some aliens or monsters have upside-down faces).

What does p upside down mean?

It means un-polo if it's an upside down p with a small diamond next to it.

What is the difference with horizontal and vertical?

Horizontal means going left and right: ___ Vertical means going up and down: |

What does a upside down p mean?

It means un-polo if it's an upside down p with a small diamond next to it.

When the flag is flying upside down?

It means that they are in a time of distress.