In mathematics, an upside down A means "for all".
A horizontal position is like a ruler laying flat on a table like the example:____________________as apposed to A vertical line like the example:lllllla ruler is going up and down.
It is an upside down 'T'A horizontal line with a vertical line drawn straight down to intersect and stop at the middle of the horizontal line. I'll try to do it here:lll-------Obviously this is written with complete, not dotted lines, that touch each other. But that is the best I can do.Picture an upside down capital letter "T". I'm a sixth grade math teacher, we frequently use this.
The spelling is upside down, which is hyphenated upside-down when used as an adjective.
can someoneplease tell me what a upside down trapizoid is for this project
A centered tab stop
You can put it both ways, just not totally upside down vertical or upside down horizontal.
The upside down V means conjunction or AND.
In mathematics, an upside down A means "for all".
A upside down rainbow means cheese or tacos
A horizontal position is like a ruler laying flat on a table like the example:____________________as apposed to A vertical line like the example:lllllla ruler is going up and down.
Horizontal means to the left or right.
It means un-polo if it's an upside down p with a small diamond next to it.
Anokatoprosopus means upside-down face (i.e. some aliens or monsters have upside-down faces).
Horizontal means going left and right: ___ Vertical means going up and down: |
It means un-polo if it's an upside down p with a small diamond next to it.
It means that they are in a time of distress.