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Change = note - cost_of_apples

→ change = 10.00 - (3 x 0.65) = 10.00 - 1.95 = 8.05

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Q: QUESTION 4 20 If you buy 3 apples worth 0 65 each with a 10 note how much change are you left with?
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If you buy 3 apples worth 65 each with a 10 note how much change are you left with?

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Sorry, but we are unable to help you since we are unable to view your drawing. Based on your question, I imagine the drawing is a square grid with some spaces that contain numbers and some that contain question marks. If you think about the problem and rephrase a specific question, we might be able to help you.

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If your teacher gives you a 100 point test with 60 questions on the test how much is each question worth?

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There's no reason they all have to be worth the same credit. Butif they are, then the number is 2.5% for each correct answer.