Integers are numbers without decimals. So the nearest integer of 3.595 is 4 because is the closer integer
We can't answer that without knowing the set of numbers.
Following or belonging to the customs, or ways of behaving, that have continued in a group of people or society for a long time without changing
people without a high school education or less
We can't tell what the numbers are without spaces between them. You know what the numbers are. Add them up and divide that total by how many numbers you added. Round that number to the nearest tenth. In any given set, the arithmetic mean is the average, which is the sum total of the numbers divided by how many numbers there are. Ex. (10, 17, 20, 45, 68) 68 + 45 + 20 + 17 + 10 = 160 There are 5 numbers in this set. 160/5 = 32 The mean is 32.
We can't answer this accurately without knowing what "the following" numbers were. In general, prime factorizations with two branches result fro numbers that are the product of two primes.
You cannot.
It's easier without one. To the nearest hundredth, 5.35 To the nearest hundred, zero.
The nearest vessel to Titanic when she sank was, without a doubt, the Californian.
Numbers written without exponents are called Standard Form.
Mixed numbers can't be whole numbers.