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We can't answer that without knowing the set of numbers.

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Q: What is the interquartile range of the following set of numbers?
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What is the meaing of interquartile range in math?

The interquartile range of a set of data is the difference between the upper quartile and lower quartile.

What is the interquartile range of the following set of numbers A 114 B 90 C 83 D 101 E 97 F 142 G 117 H 87 I 72?

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How do you find the interquartile range in a set of data?

how do you find the interquartile range of this data

What is the interquartile range of the following data set 9 30 2 58 42 18 81 5 55 73 11?


What is the interquartile range of the following data set 9 30 2 48 42 18 81 5 55 73 11?


How do you find the interquartile range of a data?

The Inter-quartile range is the range of the middle half of the data. It is the difference between the upper and lower quartile.Example: 35,80,100 110,120,120,170,180.The Inter-quartile range would be 145-90 or 55To find the interquartile range, you:1) Arrange the data in numerical order.2) Then find the median of the data sets.3) Find the median of the top half and bottom half. (of the set of numbers)4) The groups you now have are "quartiles"5) Find the interquartile range. (subtract the smaller range from the range)

What is a measure of the spread of a set of data?

The standard deviation is the value most used. Others are variance, interquartile range, or range.

What are are measures of variability or dispersion within a set of data?

Some measures:Range,Interquartile range,Interpercentile ranges,Mean absolute deviation,Variance,Standard deviation.Some measures:Range,Interquartile range,Interpercentile ranges,Mean absolute deviation,Variance,Standard deviation.Some measures:Range,Interquartile range,Interpercentile ranges,Mean absolute deviation,Variance,Standard deviation.Some measures:Range,Interquartile range,Interpercentile ranges,Mean absolute deviation,Variance,Standard deviation.

What does the Interquartile range tell you about the data set?

It tells you that middle half the observations lie within the IQR.

What are the two data sets of 5 values which have the same range and interquartile range but the first set is symmetrical and the other set is skewed left?

Here is one pair: {1, 2, 3, 6, 7} and {1, 2, 5, 6, 7} The fact that the range and interquartile range are the same fixes the relative positions four points in each set - all but the median.

How do you find the semi interquartile range of a set of statistics?

You find the semi interquartile range by subtracting the 25th percentile (Q1) from the 75th (Q3) percentile and dividing by 2. So, the formula looks like : (Q3 - Q1)/2

What 6 numbers have a range of 5?

The following set is one example {0,0,0,0,0,5}