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Q: Should the quotient of an integer and a nonzero integer always be rational?
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Should the quotient of an integer divided by nonzero integer always be a rational number?

Yes, by definition.

Should the quotient of an integer divided by a nonzero integer always be a rational number?

I had this name question for homework :| no

Should the quotient of an integer divided by a non zero integer always be a rational number?

Yes, that is how a rational number is defined.

What is the least no should be subtracted from 316548 to make the result divisible by 365?

316548÷365 give 867 quotient 93 remainder Dividend-remainder= divisor*quotient 316548-93=365*867 which is 316455 93 should be subracted.

What can 201.1 be divided by?

Anything you like, except zero, that's forbidden. Usually when you ask "what can something be divided by", the implication is that you mean that both the divisor and the quotient should be integers and that there should be no remainder. In this case, the dividend is already not an integer, so there are no all-integer solutions and the question is essentially meaningless.

What is useful in checking a quotient for long division?

Multiply the answer (quotient) by the divisor. You should get the dividend.

What least no should be subtracted from 316548 make he result exactly divisible by 375?

316548/375 =844 quotient,48 remainder Dividend- remainder=divisor *quotient 316548-48=375*844 which gives 316500. Compare both that is 316548 and 316500 difference is 48. 48 is to be subracted.

How do you check the quotient from a divisor problem?

you use multiply the divisor times the quotient & it should equal the dividend.

Is a scientist rational?

yes, he should be . it is also included in the scientific attitudes . a scientist should be rational , open-minded , and etc. ,

What is 30 over 9 as a mixed number?

3 and 3/9. There are three basic steps to convert an improper fraction to a mixed number: Divide the numerator by the denominator (you can use long division if you want to!) to find out what the quotient and the remainder are. If the fraction is made up of whole numbers, you will always get an integer quotient and an integer remainder. Note down what your quotient, remainder, and original denominator is. Now rewrite these three numbers in Step 2 in a mixed number format where: the quotient is the whole number next to the proper fraction the remainder is the numerator of the proper fraction the original denominator is the new denominator of the proper fraction Let’s apply these steps to our problem. What is 30 divided by 9? If you do some thinking or long division, you should get: 30 ÷ 9 → Quotient of 3 and a remainder of 3. Now that we have all the numbers we need, let’s piece together our answer: 30 ÷ 9 = 3 3/9

What is least positive integer by which 68 should be multiplied so that resultant integer is a perfect square?


What is the least positive integer which should be added to 1350 so that the resulting integer is a perfect square?

The answer is 19.