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depends on what kind of triangle it is

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Q: Sides of a triangel having the same length?
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What is the name of a triangel that has two sides that are the same length?

A triangle that has two sides of the same lenghth is called an Iscoles Triangle.

A triangel with all sides the same?

a side with the sides all the same is called a Equilateral triangel.

What is triangel with all sides the same leangth?

It is an equilateral triangle

What are sides called that have the same length?

Equilateral, from the Latin aequilateralis for having equal sides.

A equateral triangel has how many equal sides?

All 3 sides are equal in an equilateral triangle. 2 sides are equal in an isosceles triangle. no sides are the same in a scalene triangle.

Is a rectangle an irregular polygon?

Yes. Unless it happens to be a square, not all sides have the same length - and the definition of a regular polygon includes having all sides of the same length.

How do you spell equalateral?

The correct spelling is "equilateral" (having all sides the same length).

Having all sides the same length?

This depends on context. In a square yes in a rectangle no

Are squares allwats the same?

All squares have four right angles and all sides the same length. All squares having the same side length are the same.

What is the term for sides with the same length?

Sides with the same length are congruent.

What trianlge has no sides the same length?

Scalene triangle has no sides of same length

What are isosceles and scalene triangles?

isosceles - 2 sides of the triangle are the same length scalene - no sides are the same length equilateral- all sides are the same length