a side with the sides all the same is called a Equilateral triangel.
no,the sides of an equalateral triangle have identical measurements whereas the sides of an obtuse triangle has only two identical measurements.
isoselceles triangel is tow sides areequal
what is 3-D triangel called?
Yes,all of the sides of a polygon are the same shape.
In general no. A regular hexagon has the same length on all sides. Also, there are other hexagons with the same length on all sides that are not regular.
It is an equilateral triangle
no because an equalateral triangel is equal to all sides and an iscoselise trangel has only 2 equal sides.
depends on what kind of triangle it is
All 3 sides are equal in an equilateral triangle. 2 sides are equal in an isosceles triangle. no sides are the same in a scalene triangle.
A triangle that has two sides of the same lenghth is called an Iscoles Triangle.
no,the sides of an equalateral triangle have identical measurements whereas the sides of an obtuse triangle has only two identical measurements.
isoselceles triangel is tow sides areequal
No such thing as a four-sided triangle !
equilateral triangle