A few miles away from the Maginot Line, location where Germans concentrated their troops along their western border awaiting French and British action
Three: -The Ardennes Forest, on the Belgian/German border. -Belgium, a small country next to Germany. -And finally, the Sigfried Line. It was the entrance into Germany.
*SERIOUS SPOILERS* It's called the Dragon's Teeth. Your squad leaves behind the stolen Panzer tank and head for the Sigfried Line. You see the tragic death of Brooklyn by some mortar rounds. The Sigfried Line is a long line of blocks of concrete and anti-tank defences, watched by machine-gunners in towers. You must snipe the gunners and make it through the line. The next area is a series of bunkers which you must traverse and clear out. After leaving the bunkers, you see a river which you must cross via the bridge. When you get to the other side, you must place satchel charges on some Nazi rockets and blow them up. After doing this, the American tanks come to your aid, followed by American planes, with your squad cheering them on. Delaney looks at you and says, "good job sergeant! You do your country proud!" The final black and white scene plays, telling you of the fall of Aachen, the Battle of the Bulge, and the door-to-door combat throughout Germany, and of how the Big Red One spearheaded this assault. The ending credits appear.
*Straight Lines - Horizontal line - Vertical line - Broken line - Wavy line - Dotted line - Zigzag line - Diagonal line - perpendicular line - parallel line *Curved Lines - Concave line - Convex line - Spiral line
A line of best-fit.
If there is an actual physical line on the floor, and you are on it, then you are on line. If you are in a line of people, you are in line. If you are in a line of people, and also standing on a physical line on the floor, then you are both in and on line. If there is a group of people, standing in a line, and you are standing on top of the group of people standing in line, then you are standing on line.
A straight line, a telephone line, a shipping line, a fishing line.
A line intersect is a point on a line where another line or object crosses the line.
Line L is parallel to line n.
In geometry a line is thought of as extending infinitely in both directions. A line segment is part of a line.
[A Parallel line is a straight line, opposite to another, that do not intersect or meet.] Ie. Line 1 is Parallel to Line 2. ------------------------------------------------- <Line 1 ------------------------------------------------- <Line 2
it snaps the line. ex. _______ ______ see the space, with line snapping the secong line will attach itself to the nearest line giving you a line like this ________________ that's what line snapping is.
A line segment.A line segment.A line segment.A line segment.