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tanyliah lyles

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Q: The sum of the square of a positive number and a square of five more than the number is 73 what is the number?
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What is a prime number that is one more than a square number?

#2. since 1 is a square number. and a prime number is positive with only two positive natural number divisors: 1 and itself.

Is there such thing as a positive square root?

yes, a positive square root is any positive number which is found as an answer when rooting a number.additional. The square root of any positive number will itself be positive.To complete the picture, the square root of a positive number is considered to be either positive or negative; for both answers would give a positive number when squared.The square root of a negative number is slightly more difficult, for that requires to find the square root of -1. Which is considered to be i. So i2 = -1.This concept is of quite important practical value in electrical engineering, but is not met with in ordinary life.

What is thet square root of 9?

Simply put :3 If you want to know more The square root of a number is the positive number that squared will give the number under the square root

If a negative number squared is positive why isn't the square root of a positive number negative?

Don't forget that a positive number squared is also positive.The rule has nothing to do with whether they're positive or negative. The rule is:When you multiply two numbers together, if their signs are the same then the product is positive.If their signs are different, then the product is negative.When you square a number, the two numbers you're multiplying are the same number,so their signs are always the same, and the product (the square) is always positive.Going the other way, you start with a positive number that's the product. Since it's positive,you know that the two numbers that were multiplied to get it have the same sign ... theycould both be positive, or they could both be negative.The answer to your question is more weird than you expected: The square root of a positive numberis negative. It's also positive. A positive number has two square roots ... the positive one andnegative one.Now, the square root of a negative number is something more difficult. No number squared can equal a negative except for what is called imaginary numbers, defined by "i". For example, the square root of -1 is i, and the square root of -2 is (√2)*i.

How many square roots can a positive number have?

Every positive number has two square roots, though the roots are not always whole numbers (or even rational numbers). The more obvious of each numbers roots is the positive one.The positive square root of 4 is 2, because 2*2=4.The positive square root of 5 is roughly 2.236068.The other square root of a number is the negative inverse of their positive root. This is because when two negative numbers are multiplied together the negative signs "cancel out", leaving a positive number.The negative square root of 4 is -2, because -2*-2=4.The negative square root of 5 is roughly -2.236068.Zero has only one square root, itself, and no negative number has any (real number) square roots, since no number multiplied by itself will result in a negative.

What is 5 more than the square of a number?

The square of a number is the number multiplied by itself. Therefore the square of the number 4 written normally as 42 is = 4*4 = 16. Five more than 42 would therefore be =(4*4)+5 = 21.

Is a positive number less or more?

a positive number is more, not less.

Are square root irrational?

Usually they are. More specifically, if you take the square root of a positive integer, there are only two possibilities:* If you take the square root of a perfect square, you get a whole number. * In all other cases, you get an irrational number.

You are between 6 and 35 you are one more than a square number Five is one of your factors?


The square of 9 more than a number is equal to 9 more than the square of the number?

The square of 9 more than a number is equal to nine more than the square of a number. What is the number?

How do you find the negative square root of a number?

It is not possible for a negative number to have a square root. Any square root is the number that, when you multiply it by ITSELF it will equal the number you are square rooting. Example: The square root of 4 is 2. 2 times itself(2x2) is 4. Negative numbers are imposable to square root because the square root cannot be multiplied by its opposite ( i.e. -2 times 2 or 4 times -4), it must be multiplied by itself. Any positive multiplied by a positive is a positive, and any negative multiplied by a negative is a positive. So any number times ITSELF will always be a positive. ( i.e. -4 time -4 is 16 as 4 times 4 is also sixteen.) If a squared square root is always positive then a negative number cannot have a square root. It's imposable.* * * * *True for basic mathematics but not so for more advanced mathematics. There is a whole area of mathematics called complex mathematics which is based on the square root of negative numbers. The square root of -1 is defined as i.

What is square root of negative five squared?

first of all the square root of any negative number is technically impossible, but in certain maths it can be accepted in terms of imaginary number, i. so to answer your question it is about 2.236067977i