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depends on your processor type and the workload on it.

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Q: The number of bits prossed at one time is?
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What refers to the number of bits that a microprocessor can manipulate at one time?

As quoted from Google Books, "Word size refers to the number of bits that a microprocessor can manipulate at one time."

What term number of bit central processing unit can process at one time?

Word length is the number of bits that can be processed at one time.

The theoretical number of bits that can be transmitted over a network at one time?


State the purpose of word size?

the number of bits process at one time

This term is used to describe the number of bits that a CPU can access at one time?

The term is used to describe the number of bits that a CPU can access at one time is bit rate. This is also written as a bitrate and uses the variable R.

What is a measure of the number of bits of data that can be transferrred along the data pathway at one time?


Whose transmission rate is faster?

The one who transmits more data bits in the same length of time, or the same number of data bits in less time, has the faster transmission rate.

The largest number of bits the processor can process in one operation?

The largest number of bits a CPU can process is word size. A CPU's Word Size is the largest number of bits the CPU can process in one operation.

7 How many bits does an x86-based operating system process at one time?

An x86-based OS processes 32 bits at a time.

How many bits could the first microprocessor handle at one time?

The first microprocessor was the 4004. It could handle 4 bits at a time.

How many bits are sent at a time in a serial communication?

one bit at a time

What in a computer moves 8 bits at a time?

8 bits totals one byte where one byte is roughly a single character such as 'A' or '1'