8 bits totals one byte where one byte is roughly a single character such as 'A' or '1'
In the context of computer programming, "8 b" typically stands for "8 bits." A bit is the smallest unit of data in a computer and can have a value of either 0 or 1. When 8 bits are grouped together, they form a byte, which is a common unit of storage in computing. Therefore, "8 b" is shorthand for "8 bits."
Binary digit = 1 bit. Four bits = 1 nibble. 8 bits = 1 byte.[An obsolete computer type used 9 bits to a byte, but that is history, not modern practice. ]
If you are asking what is four (4) in the binary system, the answer is 100.
Convert the megabytes to bits. 1 megabyte = 1024 x 1024 bytes; also, you have to multiply the result by 8 to convert to bits, since 1 byte = 8 bits. If you then divide by the bandwidth (786,000 bits/second), you get the time in seconds.
byte has 8 bits all bits at 0 = zero all bits at 1 = 255
The microprocessor used in the first home computer was the 8080. It could handle 8 bits at a time.
Living in 8 Bits - 2010 Special Moves 3-2 was released on: USA: 23 February 2012
a byte
Usually, the byte, which is usually 8 bits in length.
In "computer speak" a word is a specific amount of storage. The exact size of a word varies from machine to machine, however. If you read that your system has an 8-bit word, then it means that any time you see "word" you can think of 8 bits (and if you see "double word" or "quad word" you can think 16 bits or 32 bits, respectively).
8 bits grouped together is called a byte. A byte is a unit of digital information in computing and telecommunications that typically consists of eight bits. Bytes are often used to represent a character such as a letter, number, or symbol in a computer's memory. The size of a byte can vary depending on the computer architecture, but it is typically 8 bits on most modern systems.
8 bits equals to one character.
8192 bits makes one kilobyte, in the traditional (computer based) sense where kilo means 1024. Some people use kilo as 1000, even though that is not traditional computer usage, so, in that case, that would be 8000 bits.
A byte is the basic unit of information in a computer. It is usually the smallest addressable object in memory. The size of a byte is a function of the design of the computer, but nearly universally, it has come to mean 8 bits. (Octet is a more precise definition of 8 bits of memory, in case there is any dichotomy.)
An 8 bit processor can transmit one letter at a time. In the ASCII code, each of the first 127 combinations of bits has a special standard meaning. The last 127 is given a special meaning. So an an 8 bit processor can transmit 256 bits at a time. An A is 65 bits. A 16 bit processor can transmit two letters at a time. A B is 66 bits. An E is 69 bits. It can transmit a B and an E. By definition that is considered a word. A difference exists between the way computer people use the language and normal people use it. Actually, a piece of equipment called a bus attached to the processor does the actual transmitting.
A "flabbergasted" is not a measurement of computer memory. 8 bits are in a byte, 1000 bytes are in a kilobyte, 1000 kilobytes are in a megabyte, Etc.
Generally, 8 bits at a time. Some instructions deal with 16 bit numbers.