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Since you are given that the object is a square you know that each of the 4 sides is equal in length. The length of any one side of the square is 96 / 4 = 24 inches.

The area of a rectangle (or square in this case) is base * height = 24 * 24 = 576 inches^2.

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Q: The perimeter of a square is 96 inches find the area of the square?
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A square would have four sides of the same length. A square measuring 6 inches by 6 inches would have a perimeter of (6 + 6) x 2 = 24 inches in total. Which is the same as 6 + 6+ 6+ 6 = 24 linear inches.The area is length times width. So 6 x 6 = 32 square inches.

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