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Velocity is direction and speed so the vehicle do not have the same velocity

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Q: The speedometer of a car moving to the east reads 100km per hr and it passes another car that moves to the west at 100km per hr so do both cars have the same velocity please explain?
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Does speedometers of a car measures its velocity full explain?

No. Velocity consists of a magnitude and a direction. The magnitude of velocity is called "speed", and that's what the speedometer measures. But it displays no information concerning the direction in which the car is moving.

The speedometer of a car moving east reads 55mph it passes another car going west at 55mph the cars have the same?

Speed - but NOT velocity.

How we find the relative velocity of two cars moving side b side?

get a speedometer

How is a speedometer needle moving when a car you moving with constant velocity speeding up and slowing down?

A (non digital) speedometer is a damped needle moved by a rotating magnet driven by cable from either the gearbox or one of the wheels.

Explain the difference between velocity and speed?

they are different words with the same meaning.

Can velocity be transferred?

Yes. If a fast moving body has an impact with another fast moving body, the velocity of that initial body will be transferred into the latter body.

Can a moving body have velocity and acceleration in opposite directions explain with in example?

Of course. A car with brakes applied and slowing down has forward velocity and rearward acceleration.

Why speedometer needle is not moving in focus?

You are not moving!

What is the instrument measure the speed of a moving vehicle?

The speedometer.

What is velocity the same as?

Velocity is a relative term. If we call that the object is moving and in particular direction, then there must be another object present, from witch it is moving away. and we can not say, witch object is moving away. If all object maintain the same position in respect to each other then, we will call them to have zero velocity.

What is the same as zero velocity?

Velocity is a relative term. If we call that the object is moving and in particular direction, then there must be another object present, from witch it is moving away. and we can not say, witch object is moving away. If all object maintain the same position in respect to each other then, we will call them to have zero velocity.

Does a cars speedometer measure speed or velocity or both?

Yes it does, it measures miles per hour (mph) and kilometers per hour (kph), which is basically your speed. Some cars have speedometers that go up to a higher or lower speed, but don't worry about that. Also there tends to be more kilometers per hour than miles per hour on any given speedometer.