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Velocity is direction and speed so the vehicle do not have the same velocity

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Q: The speedometer of a car moving to the east reads 100km per hr and it passes another car that moves to the west at 100km per hr so do both cars have the same velocity please explain?
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The speedometer of a car moving east reads 55mph it passes another car going west at 55mph the cars have the same?

Speed - but NOT velocity.

How we find the relative velocity of two cars moving side b side?

get a speedometer

What type of velocity does the speedometer on a car measure?

The speedometer on a car measures the vehicle's instantaneous speed or linear velocity, which is the rate of change of its position over time. This velocity indicates how fast the car is moving at any given moment.

How does a speedometer needle moves when a car is moving with constant velocity seeding up and slowing down?

When a car is moving with constant velocity, the speedometer needle will stay steady at a particular speed. When the car is accelerating, the needle will move clockwise indicating an increase in speed. When the car is decelerating, the needle will move counterclockwise indicating a decrease in speed.

Does speedometers of a car measures its velocity full explain?

Speedometers in a car measure the car's speed in terms of distance covered per unit time, typically in mph or kph. While related, velocity is a vector quantity that includes both speed and direction of motion. Therefore, a speedometer measures speed (scalar quantity) rather than velocity (vector quantity) as it does not provide information about the direction of motion.

How is a speedometer needle moving when a car you moving with constant velocity speeding up and slowing down?

When a car is moving with constant velocity, the speedometer needle stays steady at a fixed position. However, when the car is speeding up, the needle moves clockwise indicating an increase in speed. Conversely, when the car is slowing down, the needle moves counterclockwise indicating a decrease in speed.

How does a speedometer needle move when a car is moving with constant velocity speeding up and slowing down?

When a car is moving with constant velocity, the speedometer needle will remain steady and point to a consistent speed. When the car speeds up, the needle will move clockwise to reflect the increase in speed. Conversely, when the car slows down, the needle will move counterclockwise to indicate the decrease in speed.

What is and Object that is used to determine if something is in motion?

A speedometer is an instrument used to determine if something is in motion by measuring its speed or velocity. The speedometer indicates how fast an object is moving in relation to a fixed point or reference frame.

Can velocity be transferred?

Yes. If a fast moving body has an impact with another fast moving body, the velocity of that initial body will be transferred into the latter body.

If a car moves at constant speed also moving at constant velocity give an example?

An example of a car moving at constant speed and constant velocity would be a car driving along a straight road with no change in direction, where the speedometer shows a steady reading, and there are no changes in velocity or direction of motion. This means the car is moving at a consistent speed in a straight line without any acceleration or deceleration.

Why speedometer needle is not moving in focus?

You are not moving!

Can a moving body have velocity and acceleration in opposite directions explain with in example?

Of course. A car with brakes applied and slowing down has forward velocity and rearward acceleration.