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Q: You are in a car going 70 kmh and another car passes you going in the opposite direction at 70 kmh. do both cars have the same velocity?
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You are in a car going 70 km per hour and another car passes you going in the opposite direction at 70 km per hour Do both cars have the same velocity Explain?

No. Since velocity is a vector, the direction of the magnitude (speed) is also relevent. First which car is moving in a positive direction (either is correct) --- v = +70 km/h. Since the other car is moving in the opposite direction, its velocity is -70 km/h.

You are in a car going 70 km h and another car passes you going in the opposite direction at 70 km h Do both cars have the same velocity Explain?

You already answered the question. Both cars are traveling at 70kmph, which is the same velocity.

The speedometer of a car moving to the east reads 100km per hr and it passes another car that moves to the west at 100km per hr so do both cars have the same velocity please explain?

Velocity is direction and speed so the vehicle do not have the same velocity

What is the name for a change in the direction of a wave when it passes one medium into another?


What is a change in direction of a wave as it passes from one medium to another?

Refraction is the change in direction of a wave as it passes from one medium to another. This change occurs because the wave changes speed when it moves from one medium to another, causing it to bend.

What is the name for a change in direction of a wave when it passes from one medium into another?


Which force pushes against a moving object as it passes through air?

Air resistance, also known as drag, opposes the motion of an object as it moves through the air. This force increases as the speed of the object increases and can affect the object's velocity and acceleration.

What light does as it passes from one medium to another?

Light changes speed and direction as it passes from one medium to another due to the change in density between the two media. This change in speed and direction is known as refraction.

How are sound waves are affected by their frequency and the medium through which the sound wave passes?

The wavelength is equal to the local velocity of sound divided by the frequency, As with light, there can be refraction when sound passes from one medium to another with a different sound velocity.

What describes the refraction of a wave?

Refraction of a wave occurs when it changes direction as it passes from one medium to another with a different speed, due to a change in its velocity. This change in velocity causes the wave to bend at the boundary between the two mediums. The amount of bending depends on the change in speed and the angle at which the wave enters the new medium.

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What is the bending of light because of change in its velocity?

The bending of light due to a change in its velocity is called refraction. This occurs when light passes from one medium to another with a different optical density, causing the light to change speed and direction. Refraction is responsible for phenomena such as the bending of light in a magnifying glass or the creation of rainbows.