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Q: The third number to the right of the decimal is in the blank position?
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When you multiply a decimal by 10 which way to move the decimal?

One position to the right.One position to the right.One position to the right.One position to the right.

How do you write decimals in tenths?

Move the decimal place one position to the right and you will have an equivalent number in tenths of a unit.

When On a number line the positive integers are located to the blank of 0?

Blank = "Right".

How does the value of a decimal change as you move to the left or the right in a place-value chart?

1st position after decimal is 1/10 2nd position after decimal is 1/100 3rd position after decimal is 1/1000 ..... nth position after decimal is 1/(10^n)

What is 40.75 times 10?

407.5 - the number if increased by a factor of ten, so the decimal point moves one position to the right.

What is number one or more to right of decimal?

a is a number with one or more digits to the right of a decimal point.

How many decimals would 535 billion have?

None. A decimal is a way of representing numbers in such a way that the place value of each position in the number is ten times that of the position to its right.

How do you make decimals fractions?

To make a decimal a fraction, you have to understand the places. Given the number 0.123, the places to the right of the decimal point take on the same kind of values as the ones to the left. These values are based off the number 10, except in this direction, they're fractional parts of multiples of 10. The first place (in this case "1") is called the "tenths" position. If you had a number that ended here, it would be easy to make a fraction. You simply would put the number over 10. 1/10 The second position right of decimal point is the "hundredths" position. If the decimal ended here, you would simply put the number over 100. 12/100 The third position is the "thousandths" position. Our decimal ends here, and so we put the number over 1000. 123/1000 The positions continue: ten-thousandths, hundred-thousandths, millionths...

What is 0.0000972 in scientific notation?

9.72 x 10-5 You put the decimal behind the first digit. Then count the number of places the decimal moved from its original position. This number becomes the exponent of the 10. If you move the decimal to the left, it is a positive number for the exponent. To the right, it is a negative exponent.

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Decimals are another way of writing blank?

Numbers. The number need no be a fraction or contain a fractional part. A decimal number is simply a way of representing a number in such a way that the place value of each digit is ten times that of the digit to its right. A decimal representation does not require a decimal point. Adding zeros after the decimal point is wrong because they imply a degree of accuracy (significant figures) for which there is no justification.