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To make a decimal a fraction, you have to understand the places.

Given the number 0.123, the places to the right of the decimal point take on the same kind of values as the ones to the left. These values are based off the number 10, except in this direction, they're fractional parts of multiples of 10. The first place (in this case "1") is called the "tenths" position. If you had a number that ended here, it would be easy to make a fraction. You simply would put the number over 10.


The second position right of decimal point is the "hundredths" position. If the decimal ended here, you would simply put the number over 100.


The third position is the "thousandths" position. Our decimal ends here, and so we put the number over 1000.


The positions continue: ten-thousandths, hundred-thousandths, millionths...

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