It depends where the decimal point is. 0.08 is 8 percent. 0.80 is 80 percent. 08.00 is 800 percent.
49.5% converted to a decimal would be: .495Remember, when converting a percentage to a decimal we move the decimal point TWO places to the LEFT.When converting a decimal to a percentage we move the decimal point TWO places to the RIGHT.
1.33 is a decimal
When converting a percent to a decimal you don't necessarily move the decimal point. It has nothing to do with it.
point thirty
Point two five percent as a decimal is.25.
250 percent would equal 2.50 when converted. You convert percentages to whole numbers by moving the decimal 2 places to the left which is same as dividing percentage by 100.
Yes, it can.
A percent is simply a decimal number with the decimal point moved two places to the left.A percent is simply a decimal number with the decimal point moved two places to the left.A percent is simply a decimal number with the decimal point moved two places to the left.A percent is simply a decimal number with the decimal point moved two places to the left.
Thirty seven point five percent Thirty seven and one half percent
As a percent, .02 is 2 percent. To convert from decimal to percent, you move the decimal point two places to the right. When converting from percent to decimal, you move the decimal point two places to the left.
It is in decimal form!