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Yes, it can.

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Q: Can decimal that has repeating digits after the decimal point be converted into a fraction?
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When writing a repeating decimal as a fraction does the number of repeating digits you use matter?

No... you can write it to any number of decimal places.

How do i change a decimal to a fraction?

There are three different situations, corresponding to the three types of decimal numbers: terminating, repeating and those which are neither terminating nor repeating. Terminating: If the decimal number has d digits after the decimal point, then rename it as a fraction whose numerator is the decimal number without the decimal point, and the denominator is 10d or 1 followed by d zeros. For example, 34.567 d = 3 so the denominator is 1000. and the fraction is 34567/1000. Repeating: Until you become expert at this I suggest you do this in two stages (using c and d separately). Suppose there are c digits after the decimal place where the digits are non-repeating, after which you get a repeating pattern of a string of d digits. Then the numerator is the old original string including one lot of the repeated digits minus the original string with none of the repeating digits. The denominator is 10c*(10d - 1), which is a string of d 9s followed by c 0s. For example 123.26159159… There are 2 digits, "26", after the decimal point before the repeats kick in so c = 2, and the repeating string "159" is 3 digits long so d = 3. So the numerator is 12326159 – 12326 = 12313833 and the denominator is 99900 Therefore the fraction is 12313833/99900. Non-terminating and non-repeating: There is no way to get a proper fraction since, by definition, this is an irrational number. The best that you can do is to round it to a suitable number of digits and then treat that answer as a terminating decimal. In all cases, you should check to see if the fraction can be simplified.

What is 0.37 repeating as a fraction?

If both digits are repeating then as a fraction it is 37/99

What is the formula to turn a decimal to a fraction?

If it is a terminating decimal, count the number of digits after the decimal and call it x. Put those digits over 10^x and reduce. For example, if the fraction is 0.84, x is 2, so 84/10^2 = 84/100 = 21/25■ If it is a repeating decimal, put the repeating portion over (10^x)-1. If the fraction is 0.848484..... put 84/(100-1) = 84/99 = 28/33■

In repeating decimals the line or bar placed over a repeating decimal?

It is placed over one length of repeating decimal digits.

Related questions

When writing a repeating decimal as a fraction does the number of repeating digits you use matter?

No... you can write it to any number of decimal places.

What is a fraction or a decimal that repeats.?

The answer depends on the repeating string and also on other digits after the decimal point before the repeating string starts.

When a fraction is changed to a decimal and the remainder is not zero a digit or block of digits will eventually start to repear. such a decimal is called a?

A repeating decimal fraction.

How do you turn a division into a decimal fraction?

You do a long division, adding decimal digits until you get a remainder of zero (terminating decimal) or a repeating pattern of decimal digits.

Can a fraction be expressed as a repeating number?

I assume you mean "repeating decimal". Yes. For example, 1/6 = 0.166666... after that, the digit "6" repeats over and over again. In other cases, it is more than one digit that repeats, over and over. Note that at first there may be other digits, that don't repeat later on.In general, any fraction (with integers on top and bottom), if converted into a decimal, will eventually start repeating. Conversely, any repeating decimal can be converted into a fraction.

What are the numbers in the smallest group of repeating digits when 4111 is converted to a nonterminating decimal?

4111 is an integer and so there is no sensible way to convert it into a repeating decimal.

What is a fraction that has at least six repeating numbers?

The fraction 1/7 has the decimal value 0.142857142857142857..... The six digits 142857 keep repeating.

What is repeating as an fraction?

A decimal fraction is said to be repeating if, after a finite number of digits, there is a string of a finite number of digits which repeats itself for ever more.For example,1537/700 = 2.19571428571428...The first three digits in the decimal representation are not part of the repeating pattern. After that, however, the string "591428" repeats endlessly.

How do you know if a decimal is terminating or repeating?

If you know what rational fraction it represents then, if the denominator in the fraction's simplest form has any prime factor other than 2 and 5, then it is a repeating decimal and if not it is terminating.Otherwise you need to examine the digits of the decimal representation in detail. Remember though, that the repeating string could be thousands of digits long (or even longer).

What is an example of a repeating fraction?

A repeating fraction is a decimal representation of a number in which a string of numbers repeats itself endlessly. The repeating string may start after a finite number of non-repeating digits. For example, 29/132 = 0.21969696... repeating. The repeated sequence is [96] which starts after two digits.

How do you repeating the decimal into fractor?

You mean fraction. Fractor isn't a word at all. To convert a repeating decimal to a fraction, first multiply the decimal by 100. Ignore the digits on the right side of the decimal point and keep the number that is on the left side of the decimal point. Divide this number by 99 and simplify if necessary to get the fraction.

How do i convert a decimal into a fraction?

The following procedure is for converting a general repeating decimal, that is, one which does not start repeating straight away. Until you become expert at this I suggest you do this in two stages (using c and d separately). Suppose there are c digits after the decimal place where the digits are non-repeating, and then you get a repeating pattern of a string of d digits. Then the numerator is the old original string including one lot of the repeated digits minus the original string with none of the repeating digits. The denominator is 10^c*(10^d - 1), which is a string of d 9s followed by c 0s.Example123.26159159… There are 2 digits, "26", after the decimal point before the repeats kick in so c = 2, and the repeating string "159" is 3 digits long so d = 3.So the numerator of the fraction is 12326159 – 12326 = 12313833and the denominator is 99900Therefore the fraction is 12313833/99900.