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Q: To find a segment parallel to another segment and through a given point fold a piece of paper so that the fold goes through the point and the pieces of the segment on either side of the fold match y?
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To find a segment parallel to another segment and through a given point fold a piece of paper so that the fold goes through the point and the pieces of the segment on either side of the fold match?

The answer is FALSE i just did it on

To find a segment parallel to another segment and through a given point fold a piece of paper so that the fold goes through the point and the pieces of the segment on either side of the fold match up?


To find a segment perpendicular to a given segment and through a given point fold a piece of paper so that the fold goes through the point and the pieces of the segment on either side of the fold....?


To find a segment perpendicular to a given segment and through a given point fold a piece of paper so that the fold goes through the point and the pieces of the segment on either side of the fold matc?


To find a segment perpendicular to a given segment and through a given point fold a piece of paper so that the fold goes through the point and the pieces of the segment on either side of the fold m?


To find the segment perpendicular to a given segment and through a given point fold a piece of paper so that the fold goes through the point and the pieces of the segment on either side of the fold?

True!!(Apex) make sure the question matches 100%..

How do you negate the euclidean parallel postulate?

Assume there are no lines through a given point that is parallel to a given line or assume that there are many lines through a given point that are parallel to a given line. There exist a line l and a point P not on l such that either there is no line m parallel to l through P or there are two distinct lines m and n parallel to l through P.

What is a quadrilateral with four right angles and opposite sides are parallel but not all sides are congruent?

This describes a rectangle. It has four sides, four right angles, and its opposite sides are parallel, but the adjacent sides are not equilateral (congruent). If a quadrilateral has four right angles, it will be either a square or a rectangle. With the four right angles, it cannot be anything else. Draw a line segment. Now draw another one at a right angle to the first one. Now draw a third line segment at a right angle from the second one, and make this one the same length as the first one. Then draw the last segment to close the figure. It will have fours sides, and it will have four right angles. It will also have two pairs of parallel sides.

How does a switch control a parallel circuit?

The same as in any other circuit - in the case of a parallel circuit, the switch will either allow or not allow current to pass through one particular branch.

How much voltage does each branch of a parallel circuit?

Yes. The voltage across every branch of a parallel circuit is the same. (It may not be the supply voltage, if there's another component between the power supply and either or both ends of the parallel circuit.)

Can printers that use a parallel port be hooked up to legacy-free computers?

Yes. There are several devices that can provide a parallel port on a modern computer. They can be connected either through a USB port or through a PCI slot. When installed, they behave exactly as a real parallel port would work, and should allow you to use the printer (assuming you have drivers for it).

Can you have skew planes?

No, they are either parallel, or they intersect