At 35 mph you will travel about 154 feet in three seconds.
At 100 mph, an object is traveling about 146.67 feet every second. Therefore, to travel 60 feet at 100 mph would require about 0.41 seconds.
146.66 feet every 10 seconds at 10 mph.
To travel 500 feet at 40 mph, it would take about 6 seconds. This is calculated by converting 40 mph to feet per second (40 mph = 58.67 fps) and dividing 500 feet by the speed in feet per second.
264 feet.
410.3 feet.
880 feet.
880 feet.
It takes 51.43 seconds to travel 2,640 feet at 35 mph.
At 55 mph you are moving at about 80.667 feet every second. So, in 11 seconds, you would travel about 887.337 feet. (80.667 x 11 = 887.337)
It would take approximately 8 seconds to travel 492.8 feet at a speed of 30 mph.
3.409090.... seconds