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The two integers are 7 and 14. 7 x 14 = 98.

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Q: Two positive integers have a product of 98 one integer is twice the other?
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What is the rule in dividing integers?

The rule in dividing integers is to divide the absolute values. Two positive integers or two negative integers equals positive product. If one integer is positive and the other is negative, the product is negative.

What are the two positive integers that have a product of 98 where one integer is twice the other?

The integers are 14 and 7.

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A non-positive integer is a negative integer. The term refers to any integer (a number that has no decimal part) that is less than zero.It means that it is an integer (whole number), and that it isn't positive. In other words, that includes zero, and negative integers.

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A composite number is an integer (usually a positive integer) that can be expressed as the product of smaller integers (other than 1). In other words, a composite number is NOT a prime number, but it has smaller prime numbers as factors.

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The sum of two positive Integer is 108 one integer is three times as great as the other. find the integes?

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When will the sum of 2 integers be positive?

The sum of two integers is positive whenever the integer with the larger absolute value is positive. The sign of the other one doesn't matter.

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The other integer is -18 because -5 times -18 = 90

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5 and 10

When do you know when the integers are positive and negative?

If the number is zero, then it is neither positive nor negative.For all other integers: If there is a minus sign, "-", before the integer, then it is negative. If there is a plus sign, "+", before the integer or no sign at all, then it is positive.

What is the sign of the product when you multiply four integers?

The sign of the product of four integers depends on the signs of the individual integers. There are 4 cases: 1) When all 4 integers share the same sign and all are non-zero (either all are positive or all are negative), the product is positive. 2) When 3 of the 4 integers share the same sign and all are non-zero (3 are positive and 1 is negative; or 3 are negative and 1 is positive), the product is negative. 3) When 2 of the integers are positive non-zero and the other 2 of the integers are negative non-zero, the product is positive. 4) If even one of the integers is zero, the product is zero (no sign - it is neither positive nor negative).

When can you say that the product the two integers is negative?

When one of them is negative and the other is positive.