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Q: Two vectors A and B have precisely equal magnitude for the magnitude of A - B to be 100 times larger than the the magnitude of what must be the angle between them?
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Is it possible for the magnitude of the some of two vectors to be larger than the sum of the magnitude of the vectors?

Assuming you mean sum and not some, the answer is No.

What is the result of two displacment vectors having opposite directions?

It is a displacement equal in magnitude to the difference between the two vectors, and in the direction of the larger vector.

What is the angle between two vectors if their sum is to be maximum?

The resultant vector has maximum magnitude if the vectors act in concert. That is, if the angle between them is 0 radians (or degrees). The magnitude of the resultant is the sum of the magnitudes of the vectors.For two vectors, the resultant is a minimum if the vectors act in opposition, that is the angle between them is pi radians (180 degrees). In this case the resultant has a magnitude that is equal to the difference between the two vectors' magnitudes, and it acts in the direction of the larger vector.At all other angles, the resultant vector has intermediate magnitudes.

Adding vectors that act in the opposite direction?

When two vectors with different magnitudes and opposite directions are added :-- The magnitude of the sum is the difference in the magnitudes of the two vectors.-- The direction of the sum is the direction of the larger of the two vectors.

When adding vectors in one dimension which the following could the length of the arrows represent?

The length of the arrows could represent either the magnitude or the direction of the vectors. If the length represents magnitude, longer arrows would represent larger magnitudes of the vectors. If the length represents direction, the arrows would be all the same length, but pointing in different directions to represent different vectors.

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How is an earthquake magnitude scale related to the amounts of energy released by earthquaiew?

The larger the magnitude of the earthquake, the larger the energy to be released by the earthquake.

How many times larger is a 5.5 magnitude earthquake than a 3.5 magnitude earthquake?

100 times larger

What are the rules for adding a positive and negative integer?

The magnitude of the sum is the difference between the magnitudes of the two numbers. The sign of the sum is the sign of the number with the larger magnitude. (The "magnitude" of a number is just the size of the number without any sign.)

How much larger is an earthquake with a magnitude of 9 than an earthquake with a magnitude of 4?


What is a measure of the strength of an earthquake?

Earthquake strength is measured using a magnitude scale. For small to moderate strength Earthquakes (< magnitude 7) the Richter scale is used. For Earthquakes between 7 and 8 the body and surface magnitude scales are used and for earthquakes larger than 8, the moment magnitude scale is used.

Is the measure of the strength of an earthquake?

Earthquake strength is measured using a magnitude scale. For small to moderate strength Earthquakes (< magnitude 7) the Richter scale is used. For Earthquakes between 7 and 8 the body and surface magnitude scales are used and for earthquakes larger than 8, the moment magnitude scale is used.