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Bisection Method:

Begin with the interval [0, pi/2]. The midpoint of the interval is x1 = pi/4. Calculate the value of the function at x1: f(x1) = pi/4 - cos(pi/4). Since f(x1) > 0, the solution must be in the interval [0, pi/4]. Now consider the midpoint of this interval, x2 = pi/8. Calculate the value of the function at x2: f(x2) = pi/8 - cos(pi/8). Since f(x2) < 0, the solution must be in the interval [pi/8, pi/4]. Now consider the midpoint of this interval, x3 = 3pi/16. Calculate the value of the function at x3: f(x3) = 3pi/16 - cos(3pi/16). Since f(x3) > 0, the solution must be in the interval [pi/8, 3pi/16]. Continue this process, calculating the midpoint of the interval and the value of the function at the midpoint, until the difference between the lower and upper bounds of the interval is less than or equal to the error of 0.005.

Newton’s Method:

Try an initial guess of x0 = 1. Calculate the value of the function at x0: f(x0) = 1 - cos(1). Calculate the derivative of the function at x0: f'(x0) = 1 + sin(1). Calculate the next x-value using the Newton’s method formula: x1 = x0 - f(x0)/f'(x0) = 1 - (1 - cos(1))/(1 + sin(1)) = 0.6247. Calculate the value of the function at x1: f(x1) = 0.6247 - cos(0.6247). Calculate the derivative of the function at x1: f'(x1) = 1 + sin(0.6247). Calculate the next x-value using the Newton’s method formula: x2 = x1 - f(x1)/f'(x1) = 0.6247 - (0.6247 - cos(0.6247))/(1 + sin(0.6247)) = 0.739. Continue this process until the difference between two successive x-values is less than or equal to the error of 0.005.

Secant Method:

Start with two initial x-values, x0 = 0 and x1 = 1. Calculate the value of the function at x0 and x1: f(x0) = 0 - cos(0) = 0, f(x1) = 1 - cos(1). Calculate the next x-value using the Secant method formula: x2 = x1 - f(x1)(x1 - x0)/(f(x1) - f(x0)) = 1 - (1 - cos(1))(1 - 0)/(1 - cos(1) - 0) = 0.6247. Calculate the value of the function at x2: f(x2) = 0.6247 - cos(0.6247). Calculate the next x-value using the Secant method formula: x3 = x2 - f(x2)(x2 - x1)/(f(x2) - f(x1)) = 0.6247 - (0.6247 - cos(0.6247))(0.6247 - 1)/(0.6247 - cos(0.6247) - 1) = 0.7396. Continue this process until the difference between two successive x-values is less than or equal to the error of 0.005.

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David Denton

Lvl 10
1y ago
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Suresh Yadav

Lvl 2
1y ago

We start with the interval











[a,b]=[0,π/2] since






f(0)=−1 and











f(π/2)=π/2−1>0, indicating a root between


0 and




Iteration 1:


























f(π/4)=π/4−cos(π/4)≈0.553, which is positive. So, we set












Iteration 2:


























f(π/8)=π/8−cos(π/8)≈0.132, still positive. So,












Iteration 3:


























f(π/16)=π/16−cos(π/16)≈−0.191, which is negative. So,













We continue the bisection iterations until the width of the interval is less than


0.005. The final result is approximately



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Q: Use the Bisection, Newton’s, and Secant Methods to find the solution of the equation x - cos x = 0 over the interval[0,pi/2] accurate to within error = 0.005, wherex is in radian. For Newton’s method, try initial guesses including x0 = 1?
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How do you find the The initial range of Bisection method?

If this is in the context of finding a root of an equation, the answer is to make some guesses. Find value x1 and x2 such that f(x1) and f(x2) have opposite signs. Then, provided that f is a continuous function over (x1, x2), the bisection method will find its root.

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The rate of convergance for the bisection method is the same as it is for every other iteration method, please see the related question for more info. The actual specific 'rate' depends entirely on what your iteration equation is and will vary from problem to problem. As for the order of convergance for the bisection method, if I remember correctly it has linear convergence i.e. the convergence is of order 1. Anyway, please see the related question.

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Disadvantages of the bisection method in numerical methods?

The main disadvantage of the bisection method for finding the root of an equation is that, compared to methods like the Newton-Raphson method and the Secant method, it requires a lot of work and a lot of iterations to get an answer with very small error, whilst a quarter of the same amount of work on the N-R method would give an answer with an error just as small.In other words compared to other methods, the bisection method takes a long time to get to a decent answer and this is it's biggest disadvantage.

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A root-finding algorithm is a numerical method, or algorithm, for finding a value. Finding a root of f(x) &minus; g(x) = 0 is the same as solving the equation f(x) = g(x).

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it works exactly the same as it does with linear equations, you don't need to do any differentiation or anything fancy with this method, just have to plug in values of x, so it shouldn't make a difference if the equation is linear or nonlinear.

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Why it is advantageous to combine Newton Raphson method and Bisection method to find the root of an algebraic equation of single variable?

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