485 = 5 x 97
No two prime numbers can make 30.No two prime numbers can make 30.No two prime numbers can make 30.No two prime numbers can make 30.
The prime factors are: 2, 5
223 and 2.
2 an 96
The prime factorization of 16 is: 2 x 8 2 x 2 x 4 2 x 2 x 2 x 2. There is not a pair of prime numbers that make 16.
3 and 23 are two prime numbers having a sum of 26.
The prime numbers 2 and 3 have 6 as their product when multiplied.
There is a difference of 95 when the prime number 2 is subtracted from the prime number 97.
How about the prime numbers of: 3+7 = 10
2 and 17