It depends on the country and the currency in use. For example, the US has a 25c coin but not a 20c coin. In the UK there is a 20p coin but not a 25p coin.
-8 -6(-8) = 48
n = 6
6 cents
Well, honey, to make 48 cents with 6 coins, you can use 2 quarters (50 cents), 1 dime (10 cents), and 3 pennies (3 cents). That adds up to a grand total of 48 cents. Easy peasy lemon squeezy!
My soul mate helped me figure this one out. It takes (4) .50 coins and (16) quarters to make $6.00.
Earlier trade was based on barter system. 1.Coins replaced the inconveniences and fulfilled the double coincidence of wants by the seller & the buyer. 2.Coins became a common measure of value. 3.Coins became a store value. 4.Coins became a medium of exchange. 5.Coins became a standard deferred payment 6. Coins had immediate liquidity in value. 7.Coins gave a territorial authority & sovereignty
The answer depends on the value of the variable, w, which is not specified in the question.
The answer depends on the value of the variable, Y, which is not specified in the question.
48/6+48 = 56
Ah, what a happy little math problem we have here! 6 times 8 equals 48. Just imagine those 6 groups of 8 coming together to create something wonderful, like a beautiful painting with 48 happy little brush strokes.