There are 5460 five digit numbers with a digit sum of 22.
1, 3, and 5.
There are no 3-digit whole numbers whose digits sum to 3. The smallest 3-digit number is 100, and the largest is 999, but in neither case is the sum of the digits equal to 3.
3.27 and 3.273.17 and 3.37
There can be no answer to the question. A 3-digit number is an integer between 100 and 999 (inclusive).
what is the least possible sum of two 4-digit numbers?what is the least possible sum of two 4-digit numbers?
Nine hundred thirty (930) is the highest three digit number whose digits have a sum of 12. 9+3+0=12. Any numbers higher than that will give you an sum greater than 12.