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1. a negative number has a minus(-) sign before the number.

2. A negative number is always below zero.

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Q: What are 4 different ways you can tell the difference between positive and negative integers?
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What will be the difference when subtracting two integers with different signs?

Subtracting: Positive - Negative = Positive Negative - Positive = Negative No that is not the way it goes. It is positive+negetive=either counting on which integer is bigger negative+negative=positive positive+positive=positive positive x negetive=negative negative x postitve= negative negative/positive=negative positive/negative=negetive thanks The top is right though because subtracting a negative is like adding so you could never get a negative and subtracting from a positive from negative will always be a negative. The question was for integers with different signs so you don't need to do "positive + positive"

How is adding to negative integers the same as and different from subtracting two positive integers?

No- adding negative numbers is like adding positive numbesr , except the answer is negative.

What are non positive integers?

Non-positive integers are zero and the negative integers.

The sum of two negative integers is a positive integer?

No, the sum of two negative integers is not a positive integer. For example, if you add -5 and -6 together the sum would be -11.

What can you tell about two integers when their quotient is positive negative zero?

Their quotient is positive if the integers have the same sign;negative if the integers have different signs;zero if the dividend is zero (and the divisor is not).

Rule for multiplying integers?

Positive x negative = negative (Negative x positive = negative) Positive x positive = positive Negative x negative = positive So if the signs are the same the answer is positive and if they are different it is negative.

What is the rule for dividing integers?

When dividing numbers that are different the answer will be negative.

What is the rules for multiplication integers?

When multiplying integers, multiplying by the same sign will always produce a positive integer. Such as a negative times a negative equals a positive. If the signs are different then the product will be a negative.

When the negative integers the positive integers and 0 are combined the integers are formed?

Negative integers, zero and the positive integers, together form the set of integers.

Is the intersection of non negative integers and non-positive integers is zero?

Yes, the intersection of non-negative (positive) and non-positive (negative) integers is zero.

Difference between natural number and integer?

natural numbers can not be negative. integers can be both positive and negative.

What is the sign of the quotient of two positive integers?

The quotient of two positive integers will be positive. A positive divided by a positive is positive. A positive divided by a negative is negative. A negative divided by a positive is negative. A negative divided by a negative is positive.