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Q: What are 5 numbers with a mean of twenty and a median of twenty one?
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What is the mean median and mode of a lawyers salary?

Mean, median and mode are averages of sets of numbers, not one single one.

Multiple values for the same set of numbers mean median or mode?

Any set of numbers can have only one mean and only one median but it can have as many modes as it has values.

What is a set of 5 positive numbers that have median 6 and mean 10?

There can be any number of sets to satisfy this. The median is the number in the middle and the mean is the average of the numbers. 2,4,6,8,30 is one possible set median = 6 mean = 10

How do you compute mean and median?

The mean is when you add all the numbers together and divide by how many numbers there are, and yes zero does count. The median is when you put all the numbers together and whichever one is in the exact middle is the median. Sometimes there is an even amount of numbers. If there is you find the middle of those two numbers.

What does the median mean in maths?

The median is the middle number. To find the median, you need to put all of the numbers in order. The one in the middle is the median. If there are two middle numbers, you divide the bigger number by the smaller number.

What are the set of numbers in which 8 is the mean median and mode?

One set of numbers for which this is true is {8}.

What does medai mean?

Median means when you order the numbers and then look at which one is in the middle

What is difference between median and the mean?

Mean is where you add up all the numbers and divide by how many numbers there are. Median is where you put the numbers in order from least to greatest and you find the middle number by crossing each side out one at a time.

Can a mean average ever be higher than a median average?

Yes. If the predominant data are higher than the median, the mean average will be higher than the median average. For example, the median average of the numbers one through ten is five. The mean average is five and one-half.

What is the mean the median the mode and the range in maths?

the mean is where you add all the numbers then divide by the number of numbers the median is when u write all the numbers in order then find the one in the middle and the mode is the most common one. the range is the smallest number subtracted from the largest number.

How do I calculate the median in a set of numbers?

Put the numbers in order. The odd one in the middle is the median: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 (4 is the median). If even numbers, it is between the two middle numbers: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 (between 4 and 5 is the median).

What is the median of these numbers 31 30.5 29.2?

When numbers are put in order either least to greatest or greatest to least, the one in the middle is the median. In an even set of numbers the average of the middle two numbers is the median. 30.5 is the median of these 3 numbers.