

Best Answer

1 It's ovular shaped

2 It has lines of symmetry

3 It originated from the Indian sub-continent

4 It was used by the ancient Mayans of South America but looked quite differently

5 It separates negative numbers from positive numbers

6 Its in the middle of infinity on the number line

7 It's a whole number or integer in its own right

8 It's the freezing point of water at 0 degrees Celsius

9 It's neither a composite or a Prime number

10 It's an even number because it's between two odd numbers

11 It's a fact that an event will not happen if it has a probability of 0

12 It reduces any number to 1 when raised by its power except itself

13 It's part of the set of Hindu-Arabic numerals

14 It's greater than -1 but less than 1

15 It's essential for positional place values in the Hindu-Arabic numeral system

16 It's not needed in the Roman numeral system except for nothing itself

17 Its equivalent as a Roman numeral is N which in Latin is nullae meaning nothing

18 It and other integers are left of the decimal point in decimal numbers

19 It and 1 are used in the binary system

20 Its square root is 0 and its cube root is 0

21 It's always zero when any number is divided into it

22 It sometimes can be counted as a significant figure

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