The prime factors are 2x2x2x13 All factors are 1,104,2,52,4,26,8,13
All numbers have factors. Some factors are prime numbers. These are known as prime factors.
There are infinitely many prime factors.
The prime factors of 50 are: 2 and 5
The Prime Factors of 45 are 3, 5
The prime factors of 44 are: 2, 11
They don't. 21 has two prime factors. 42 has three prime factors.
Once all the prime factors of a number have been found, the number of factors the number has and what they are can be found. I'd be finding the prime factors first before finding all the factors of a number, so I'd rather find all the prime factors as it means I can stop before I have to do more work in finding all the factors.
All numbers have factors. Some factors are prime numbers. These are known as prime factors. The set of prime factors is a subset of the set of factors for any given number.
All prime numbers have two factors.
The prime factors of 50 are 2 * 5 * 5
The prime factors of 72 are 2 and 3.