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Q: What are all of the shapes that have 4 sides and 4 right angles?
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Are regular shapes shapes with all the same angles and sides?


Examples of regular shapes?

Regular shapes are shapes where all the sides and angles are equal. One example of a regular shape is a square because all the sides are the same and all the angles are 90 degrees.

What shape has 4 sides that are all equal, all of its angles are right angles and has 2 pairs of parallel sides?

A rectangle is formed by four triangles (90°)._ During the construction of a rectangle, both pairs of opposite sides are parallel and have the same length. Rectangles have the property that all angles are right angles._

All angles are right angles but all sides are not equal?

You don't tell us enough information. In a square, there are four sides and four angles. The sides are all equal and the angles are all right angles. In a rectangle, there are four sides and four angles The opposite sides are equal and the angles are all right angles. There is no other shape in which all angles are right angles.

How do you spell the shape with all right angles?

Of the regular polygons, only two quadrilateral shapes have all right angles:the rectangle and the square (all sides equal).These are types of parallelograms (4 right angles, 2 sets of parallel opposite sides).

What shape is a polygon and a quadrangle and all sides are different with no right angles?

There are infinitely many quadrangles - all of which are polygons - that have sides of different length and angles that are not right angles. There is, however, no specific name for such quadrangles because there are so many different possible shapes.

What has 4 right angles and and 2 congruent sides?

There is no shape with exactly 4 right angles and 2 congruent sides.A rectangle has 4 right angles and 2 pairs of congruent sides - 4 sides in all. But if the numbers in the question are not limiting, then there are many more shapes. An irregular hexagon with the following shape, will meet the requirements if its height is the same as its base.___|....\|......\___!_______|There are lots more shapes with more sides.

What are similarities of congruent shapes and similar shapes?

The angles for congruent shapes and the angles in similar shapes are all the same. All the sides are also proportional in both. Basically, all congruent shapes are similar but not all similar shapes are congruent.

All angles are right angles or a triangle has four sides?

False - and false ! Not ALL angles are right-angles - and a triangle has THREE sides !

What has no congruent sides and no congruent angles?

Irregular polygons, curves, open shapes all lack congruence of angles and sides.

Can two shapes be congruent and not similar?

In short, no. Similar shapes are shapes in which all corresponding angles congruent regardless of the length of the sides. Congruent shapes have congruent corresponding angles and corresponding sides. In effect congruent shapes is a special condition of similar shapes.

What kind of shapes that has no 4 sides but all of its sides are equal and all of its angles are acute?

An equilateral triangle.