

What are angles that measure 0 threw 90 degrees?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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Any angle greater than 0 degrees but less than 90 degrees is called an acute angle

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Q: What are angles that measure 0 threw 90 degrees?
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Measures less than 90 degrees?

Angles that measure less than 90 degrees are called acute angles. Right angles measure exactly 90 degrees and obtuse angles are greater than 90 degrees.

Two angles that measure 180 degrees?

90 degrees and 90 degrees

Kinds of angles according to measure?

Angles that are less than 90 degrees are acute angles. Angles that are 90 degrees are right angles, and angles that are greater than 90 degrees are obtuse angles.

Two angles that measure at 90 degrees?

complementary angles

What is two angles that measure 90 degrees?

right angles

What is the total of the measure of two angles is 90 degrees?

If you are asking what kind of angles add up to 90 degrees, the answer is complementary angles.

Two angles the sum of whose measure is 90 degrees?

Two angles whose sum is 90 degrees are called complementary angles.

How many angles must measure 90 degrees in a parallelogram?

It is not a requirement that any of the angles are right angles (90 degrees), to qualify as a parallelogram.

What angles add up to measure 90 degrees?

Complementary angles.

How many angles measure less than 90 degrees?

there are an infinite amount of angle that measure less than 90 degrees; however, there are only 89 whole angles that measure less that 90.

If two angles of a triangle each measure 45 degrees what is the third angle?

If two angles of a triangle each measure 45 degrees, the third angle measures 90 degrees. This is because of the Triangle Sum Theorem - The sum of the measure of the interior angles of a triangle is 180 degrees. If you know that two of the angles total to be 90 degrees, you can subtract that 90 degrees from the total 180. The result is 90 degrees.

What is the measure of the angles in a right triangle?

90 degrees