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Q: What are examples of ratios used in real life?
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Calculating the path of an object when acted on by a continual force (like a ball thrown where there is gravity)

What are some examples of geometry in real life?

Geometry is used to find the widths of rivers and the heights of towers,buildings,trees etc,it is also used to know the widths of pathway.

How is geometry used in real life?

Geometry is the use of shapes and curves to define relative physical locations. It can be used to analyze or design physical objects and structures, and to determine the location and elevation of physical features on the Earth's surface. Examples : The shape and volume of food containers, the design of buildings, and the layout of streets and roadways. (*In more rigorous usage, it is superceded by trigonometry - the angles and ratios of triangular shapes).

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The ratios are percents, which can be calculated by a punnett square.

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Icosahedron are 3-D solid shapes with 20 triangualr faces. They are used as dice is many games, such as Dungeons & Dragons.

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