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Both are used to describe sequences.

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Q: What are similarities between position to term rules and term to term rules?
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Some similarities are they are both Gods, they are worshipped, and they both have rules that they must follow.

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A polynomial is several terms added together.

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There are similarities in the interactions between god and man. The common use of the term Egyptian Pantheon, a Greek routed word typically used to refer to the gods also shows their connection.

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The term "Judeo-Christian" was created by Christians to reference their perceived similarities between Judaism and Christianity.

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Substance is a vague term which could be a mixture but may not be.

What is the imaginary line halfway between the maximum and minimum points the wave reaches vertically?

The term is "resting position" (also equilibrium position).

What term is defined as mathematical base on rules of physics?

.com it can define the difference between the transformation and the transmotion

What is a term for overthrowing a king?

the term you may be looking for is: Usurp which basically means, to kick out or remove from position or power

How do you find a term?

You substitute the value of the position in the position to term rune.

What literary term is used for like lead?

The literary term you're looking for is "simile." A simile is a figure of speech that directly compares two different things using the words "like" or "as," to highlight similarities between them.

What is the general term for the vertical angle between the horizon and the position of the sun in the sky?

The answer you're looking for is the Sun's altitude.

What are two or more objects or ideas observed by their similarities called?

The term is "contrast" when items are observed or defined by their differences. The word "compare" is used for observed similarities, or more generally for both similarities and differences.