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Squares and rectangles.

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Q: What are some polygons with right angles that are parallelogram?
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What do all rectangles have that some parallelograms do not have?

Rectangles have 4 rift angles and some parallelogram doesn't have 4 right angles. Only two parallelogram has 4 right angles , square and rectangle

What shape has four sides and four right angles?

it is a square, rectangle & some of the parallelogram.

What is an example of some thing that has no right angles?

Triangle, paraellogram(srry if i didnt spell that right...), circle

If a parallelogram has a right angle then it is a rectangle?

No because it could be a right angled trapezoid. A rectangle must have four right angles. Yes, a parallelogram with a right angle is always a rectangle. In fact, in my geometry book, some 55 years ago such was the definition of rectangle. A parallelogram with one right angle will always have four right angles. The right angled trapezoids that are not rectangles are not parallelograms.

What quadrilateral has no right angles?

A parallelogram, a rhombus, kites, arrowheads, trapezium and irregular quadrilaterals. However, some kites, arrowheads, trapezium and irregular quadrilaterals can have one (or more) right angles.

Is a parallelogram a quadrilateral and a polygon?

Some parallelograms could be quadrilaterals but all parallelograms are polygons

Which best describes the angles of a parallelogram?

which beat describes the angles of some parallelograms

Are all paralleograms rectangles?

Some paralleograms are rectangles. A right paralleogram is a rectangle. In the case of a rectangle, all angles formed by the sides are right angles and opposite sides are parallel. The sum of adjacent angles in a parallelogram is 180 degrees.

What shape has zero equal sides and some right angles?

A scalene triangle has no equal sides and one right angle. Other irregular polygons can also fit these criteria.

How can you tell whether two polygons are similar?

Polygons will be similar if they have the same number of sides AND all of their angles are the same. All of their angles are the same if all but one of their angles are the same because with the same number of sides the angles must add up to the same thing. All squares are similar (4 right angles and sides of equal lenght). All rectangles are similar (4 right angles). We know two triangle are similar if two or mare angles are the same, or if one angle is the same and the two adjacent sides are the same length. Variations of this last proof may apply to some other polygons.

What shape has no congruent sides and no congruent angles?

A circle, ellipse, some irregular polygons,

What shape has Two pairs of parallel sides with no right angles?

A parallelogram is a quadrilateral that has two pairs of parallel sides. Some parallelograms, such as squares and rectangles have right angles, but most do not. So the answer is a parallelograms that is not a rectangle (square).