

What are some words that describe an obtuse triangle?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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Obtuse, scalene

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Q: What are some words that describe an obtuse triangle?
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What are some obtuse shapes?

a obtuse triangle can be

What would be 5 nouns to describe a triangle?

Nouns are not describing words. The word triangle is a noun. Adjectives are used to describe noun. Some adjectives that describe a triangle are:equilateralscaleneisoscelesacuteobtuse

What do you call a triangle with two obtuse sides?

In normal geometry, it's not possible to make a triangle with two obtuse angles. It is possible to make a triangle with two obtuse angles in spherical geometry -- it's a kind of "spherical triangle". It is possible to make a triangle with two obtuse angles in some kinds of non-Euclidean geometry -- it's a kind of "non-Euclidean triangle".

Does a triangle have 2 obtuse angles?

Some have one obtuse interior angle, others have none. A triangle can have no more than one obtuse angle.

How do you spell the kinds of triangles?

Some types of triangles are: scalene triangle equilateral triangle isosceles triangle acute triangle right triangle obtuse triangle

Is it possible for some triangles to have none exterior angle obtuse angle?

Yes, a Triangle can have 3 obtuse EXTERIOR angles of measure 120° ONLY in the case of an equilateral Triangle. OTHERWISE, a Triangle always has 2 obtuse Exterior angles and 1 acute Exterior angle.

Does every triangle have to have an obtuse angle?

no Not every triangle has to have one. Some triangles may be acute, meaning that none of their angles are over 90. Some triangles may be right, meaning that there is one right angle. Although some triangles may be obtuse, not all triangles are obtuse.

Do some triangle have two obtuse angle and 1 acute angle?

No because any triangle must have a total of 180 degrees when the angles are added together and with 2 obtuse angles the sum would be greater than 180. A triangle can only ever have one obtuse angle.

Is it true that an obtuse triangle can have a right angle?

In Euclidean geometry, a triangle must be one of these: acute, obtuse, or right. Maybe there is a non-Euclideangeometry for which some obtuse triangles can contain a right angle, but it doesn't happen in Euclidean geometry.

Some obtuse triangles are scalene?

Obtuse triangles can also be scalene if none of the sides are of equal length. Otherwise, it is an isosceles triangle.

Which shapes do not contain obtuse angle?

Some examples are: circle, square, rectangle, right angle triangle, equilateral triangle

What are some real life examples of using a diagonal line?

Some charts? Buildings Obtuse triangle - some of them are diagonal.