The greatest common factor of 138 and 207 is 69.
Since 69 is a factor of 207, it is automatically the GCF.
The factors of 207 are: 1 3 9 23 69 207
Yes. Factor pairs are always repeated across pairs since factor pairs are certain kinds of pairs.
the factor pairs are 1x35 & 5x7
The factor pairs of 28 are :28,114,27,4
Sixteen factor pairs.
The factor pairs of 57 are 3x19 and 1x57
The factor pairs of 27 are 1x27 and 3x9.
Mathematicians call them "factor pairs."
its a factor with two pairs of the same number
There are 10 factor pairs for 5,000:5000,12500,21250,41000,5625,8500,10250,20200,25125,40100,50