

What are the factors and prime factors of B?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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8y ago

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B, as a variable, can stand for any number. The factor possibilities are infinite.

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Q: What are the factors and prime factors of B?
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b. 2x2x5 are prime factors

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a and b have no common prime factors. Their LCM is their product.

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I wonder if you mean 56a2b2 ? If so you have 2 x 2 x 2 x 7 x a x a x b x b. If a and/or b are not prime, you will have the factors of those as well.

What is the difference between factors and prime factors?

A factor of a integer is an integer that divides the second integer into a third integer exactly; i.e. A is a factor of B if B/A is exactly C, where all of A, B and C are integers. A prime factor is a factor as above, but is also a prime number. This means that the only factors of that factor are one and the number itself; i.e. A is a prime factor of B if B/A is exactly C andthe only factors of A are 1 and A.

Which number has exactly 10 factors?

Any number of the form a*b^4 where a and b are different prime numbers, or c^9 where c is a prime, will have exactly 10 factors.

What are the prime number b?

A prime number is a number that has only two factors which are itself and one.

What are the common factors and prime factors for B and C?

Variables can be any number, which leaves an infinite possibility of factors.

Which is a prime numberWhich is a prime number A 21 B 31 C 57 D 91?

It is: B 31 is a prime number because it has only two factors which are itself and one

Give a proof that the square root of 7 is an irrational number?

Proof by contradiction: suppose that root 7 (I'll write sqrt(7)) is a rational number, then we can write sqrt(7)=a/b where a and b are integers in their lowest form (ie they are fully cancelled). Then square both sides, you get 7=(a^2)/(b^2) rearranging gives (a^2)=7(b^2). Now consider the prime factors of a and b. Their squares have an even number of prime factors (eg. every prime factor of a is there twice in a squared). So a^2 and b^2 have an even number of prime factors. But 7(b^2) then has an odd number of prime factors. But a^2 can't have an odd and an even number of prime factors by unique factorisation. Contradiction X So root 7 is irrational.

Determine which is not a prime factor of 70 A.2 B.5 C.7 D.10?

10 is not prime and can't be a prime factor.

How are prime factors and factors related?

Prime factors are factors that are also prime numbers.

What numbers have an even amount of factors?

If it's just factors, then any number have an even amount of factors. Let a be any number, a = 1 a so a have two factors, 1 and a. Two is even. But if the question is what number have an even amount of PRIME factors, then it is different. Because if a is not prime, the might exist another two numbers b and c != 1 such that a = b c. and also, b is not prime, b = d e So a = bc = de c = c d e So a have three prime factors (1 is not prime for some reason) Then this question is less trivial: 6 have only prime factor 2 and 3, 10 only have prime factor 2 and 5, they are even. but 9 only have prime factor 3, so it's not an even amount, so 9 is not.