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Q: What are the first few digits of pi and e?
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What are the first 10 digits of e?


How many digits are there in all numbers inclusive from 1 to 1000?

Infinitely many. The number pi , for example, is between 1 and 1000 and, since pi is a transcendental number, it contains infinitely many digits. Plus, there are all the irrational numbers - each with infinitely many digits, and all the rationals with recurring decimals - again with infinitely many digits.

What is the value of pi?

It goes on forever, but I know 100 of the digits! 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445923078164062862089986280348253421170679... Cool, right? Pi is irrational. Same as say, e. e is the limit as x approches infinity of (1/x)^x.

Is pi a terminating decimal?

No, pi is non-terminating and also non-repeating. In other words, there is no pattern to the digits so pi is considered an irrational number, like the square root of two and also like the number e. The first proof that pi is irrational dates back to approximately 1770. Reference:

What is e plus pi plus pi plus pi plus e plus e plus e?

About 20.29791

Is e to the pi rational?

e^pi ~ 23.14069.............., not rational

How can you make rational of i power i?

It is NOT rational, but it IS real.Start with Euler's formula: e^ix = cos(x) + i*sin(x) for all x.When x = pi/2,e^(i*pi/2) = cos(pi/2) + i*sin(pi/2) = 0 + i*1 = ior i = e^(i*pi/2)Raising both sides to the power i givesi^i = e^[i*(i*pi/2)] = e^[i*i*pi/2]and since i*i = -1,i^i = e^(-pi/2) = 0.20788, approx.

How do you manually calculate i to the power of i?

i (taken to be sqrt(-1) for this question) requires that you know a bit about writing complex numbers. i = e^(i*pi/2) so i^i = (e^(i*pi/2))^i which equals e^(i*i*pi/2) since i*i = -1 we get e^(-pi/2) so i^i = e^(-pi/2) which is roughly .207879576

How do you calculate the volume of a star shape?

First you times pi by e=mc2 by the latitude of the sun and now you have your answer.

What numbers have names?

The first one ought to be pi=3.14. The other famous number is e = 2.718.

What is the difference between percent f and percent g format setting in c. Whether both can be used for representing float numbers?

%g is more compact. Do some tests, for example:double pi= 3.1415926535897932384626433;printf ("%%f gives %f %f %f %f %f\n", pi, 100*pi, 10000*pi, 1000000*pi, 100000000*pi);printf ("%%e gives %e %e %e %e %e\n", pi, 100*pi, 10000*pi, 1000000*pi, 100000000*pi);printf ("%%g gives %g %g %g %g %g\n", pi, 100*pi, 10000*pi, 1000000*pi, 100000000*pi);%f gives 3.141593 314.159265 31415.926536 3141592.653590 314159265.358979%e gives 3.141593e+00 3.141593e+02 3.141593e+04 3.141593e+06 3.141593e+08%g gives 3.14159 314.159 31415.9 3.14159e+06 3.14159e+08

What is greater of e raised to pi and pi raised to e?

epi = 23.140692632779. pie = 22.459157718361. Thus, epi is greater.