

What are the function of sec?

Updated: 9/20/2023
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Q: What are the function of sec?
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What is the reciprocal function of sec A?

The answer is cos A . cos A = 1/ (sec A)

What is the exact value for sec 357 as a trig function?

About 1.00137234599792097.

What is the trigonometric function sec?

The function sec(x) is the secant function. It is related to the other functions by the expression 1/cos(x). It is not the inverse cosine or arccosine, it is one over the cosine function. Ex. cos(pi/4)= sqrt(2)/2 therefore secant is sec(pi/4)= 1/sqrt(2)/2 or 2/sqrt(2).

What is megabaud?

Well, a baud is a measurement of (information units's/sec.). So a megabaud is a million info units/sec. Obviously your function is time. hope that helps

How many times can a neuron fire per second?

Depends on the function of the neuron, the range goes from once per sec to 1000 pulses per sec.

How do you put sec cubed in a calculator?

sec x = 1/cos x → sec³ x = 1/cos³ x or sec³ x = (cos x)^-3 Therefore to enter sec³ x on a calculator: Newer, "natural" calculators: mathio: sec³ x → [x-power] [cos] [<angle>] [)] [navigate →] [(-)] [3] [=] lineio: sec³ x → [(] [cos] [)] [)] [x-power] [(-)] [3] [)] [=] Older, function acts on displayed number calculators: sec³ x → [angle] [cos] [x-power] [3] [±] [=]

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Why is the period of secant 2 pi?

It is the same period as cosine function which is 2 pi because sec x = 1/cos x

What is the second derivitive of sec x?

Write sec x as a function of sines and cosines (in this case, sec x = 1 / cos x). Then use the division formula to take the first derivative. Take the derivative of the first derivative to get the second derivative. Reminder: the derivative of sin x is cos x; the derivative of cos x is - sin x.

How do you write a c program to convert time in sec to time?

main() { int sec=00,min=00,hr=00; printf("Enter time in seconds"); scanf("%d",&sec); if (sec<60) printf("%d :%d : %d",hr,min,sec); else if(sec>=60) min=int(sec/60); sec=int(sec%60); printf("%d: %d : %d",hr,min,sec); else if (sec>=3600) min=int(sec/60); sec=int(sec/60) hr=int(min/60); printf("%d : %d : %d",hr,sec,min); }

What is the ratio of two minutes to five seconds?

2mins : 5 sec = 2x60 sec : 5 sec = 120 sec : 5 sec = 120:5 = 120/5 = 24

How do you convert 20m sec to km sec?

20/meter/minut into km/sec